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The King’s Church of England Primary Academy


Miss Pritchard Year 6: Swans

Welcome to the Swans!


Year 6 at The King's C of E Primary Academy are called the Swans. Our class teacher is called Miss Pritchard. Mrs Gilbert and Mrs Campbell are the UKS2 Teaching Assistants. They also cover Miss Pritchard's PPA and leadership time.


Our day starts with Collective Worship, followed by Guided Reading, Spellings, English and then Maths after breaktime. In the afternoons we cover a range of subjects. This term we are studying:


Summer 2


Science: Animals Including Humans


Computing: Garage Band

DT: Micro:bit Electronic Pet 

RE: Is it better to express your religion in arts and architecture or in charity and generosity? (Nottinghamshire Agreed Syllabus)

Outdoor PE: Athletics

PSHE and RSE: Health and Relationships (Goodness and Mercy)

Music: Gladis Baker, Gladiator

We now use Class Dojo to reward and share success. If you haven't signed up, please see Miss Pritchard.

House Teams


At The King's, every child in school is in a house. The houses are Castle, Sconce, Sherwood and Trent. Throughout the year, all children will have the opportunity to represent their house in intra-house competitions. 

Homework will be set at the beginning of each term. Children can select different items from the homework menu to complete. At the end of the term, if children have completed enough homework to earn 100 points, they will be entered into a prize draw.


Additional weekly homework of spellings or maths will be set by Miss Pritchard. This can also be used to earn points.


Please encourage your child to read regularly and record in their school diary. If children have access to the internet at home, the links for Times Tables Rocks Stars and an arithmetic practice are below:
