Welcome to Sparrow Class!
Key Information
Welcome to the Sparrows. Our class teacher is Mrs Tregunno and our teaching assistants are Miss Oxberry and Miss Locke. We are taught by Mrs Edlin on a Thursday and a Friday afternoon. PE is every Monday so please make sure PE kit is in school on this day. Our Forest School session is Thursday. Please make sure your child is appropriately dressed for the weather on this day.
A typical day in Sparrows begins with Collective Worship followed by our daily Read, Write Inc session. The remainder of our morning is filled with Maths and English. Each afternoon is jam-packed with foundation subjects. We also work on deepening our understanding of maths through the 'Mastery Number' programme, refine our handwriting through practice sessions and sharpen our decoding skills in an additional phonics lesson. Every day is a very busy day in Sparrows!
This half term's topics are:
Science - Species Identification
Geography - Our Local Area
RE - Celebrations
PE - Dance
Art - Andy Warhol - PopArt Printing
PSHE - Too Much Selfie Isn't Healthy
Computing - Mouse and Keyboard Skills
School Council
Through a democratic vote, our children have chosen Nate as our school councillor. They meet weekly with the other representatives from across the school to help make our school a better place.