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The King’s Church of England Primary Academy


Whole School Events Gallery

100% attendance winners 2023- 2024

Kevin Eveleigh Trophy

Trent house winners, sports day 2024

Year 5 and 6 residential to Ilam Hall June 2024

Year 6 Safety Awareness Day at Sconce and Devon park

Best dressed duck winners!

Easter bonnet parade 2024

Jimmy-Dean has been busy with his Falcon friends making Easter bunnies. He has been selling them in the staffroom and at the office. They have been very popular and the total raised was £106.50. A percentage of the sales were given to Miss Pritchard ​who has walked 100km in March to raise money for Ovarian Cancer Action. Jimmy-Dean proudly presented her with a cheque. With the rest of the money we have bought a lovely tent for Falcons and some games. We look forward to seeing Jimmy-Dean on Dragon's Den in future years!

Year 1 and 2 Rand Farm residential February 2024

TT Rockstar day 2024

Sleeping Beauty pantomime January 2024

Summer Fayre 2023

Year 5 and 6 London residential

Fathers day BBQ 16.06.2023

Year 3 and 4 Walesby Forest residential

Mothers day breakfast March 2023

When you wish upon a star - Elf walk 15th December 2022

KS1 Residential to Sherwood Forest April 2022

KS1 Nativity

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Lights, Camel, Action!

Part 2.mp4

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Part 3.mp4

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Part 4.mp4

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Part 5.mp4

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Part 6.mp4

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Part 7.mp4

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Part 8.mp4

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Part 9.mp4

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Part 10.mp4

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Part 11.mp4

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Part 12.mp4

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Part 13.mp4

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Part 14.mp4

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Part 15.mp4

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Lest we forget

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11th November 2021
The links below show some examples of the extensive opportunities children at The King's Academy takes part in. These events can be for the wider curriculum, charity, rewards and supporting the local community.