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The King’s Church of England Primary Academy


Pupil Premium

The Kings Primary Academy Pupil Premium Strategy 2021-2024

PP 2020-21 Statement (Website)

Pupil Premium spending 2019/20

Pupil Premium 18/19 - Next strategy review July 2019

Pupil Premium Allocation 17/18

Our pupil premium allocation for this academic year is £195,240. This has been spent by significantly increasing the number of teaching assistant hours to support in the following ways:

  • Intervention provision for pupils accessing pupil premium funding to close the gap between them and their peers. There are at least three full-time TAs working across each phase (EYFS, Year 1/2, Year 3/4, Year 5/6), who work across the phase to target the personalised needs of these pupils.

  • In-class TA support for these pupils.

  • Funding to help these pupils access our excellent range of extra-curricular experiences, including residential trips.

Pupil Premium 2016 - 17
