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The King’s Church of England Primary Academy



Our whole school target is 96%

If your child has under 90% attendance, this is classed as a persistent absentee and is a cause for concern.

You will receive a letter at different stages of your child's absence, you will also receive a phone call to try and offer support which may include working with other agencies.


If you are worried about your child's attendance or would like to speak to a member of staff for support, please call the school office who will be happy to help.


Attendance and Punctuality

The Staff and Governors of The King's Academy believe that regular school attendance is essential if children are to achieve their full potential.

We believe that regular school attendance is the key to enabling children to maximise the educational opportunities available to them and become emotionally resilient, confident and competent adults who are able to realise their full potential and make a positive contribution to their community.


We will work with families to identify the reasons for poor attendance and try to resolve any difficulties.

We do home visits if your child is not in school and we have not been told why, we do this to safeguard all of the family and to ensure that everyone is safe.


Please inform us as soon as possible if you wish your child to leave early for a medical appointment or family emergency. We would expect him/her to be collected from school in these circumstances.


Leave of Absence

Unless permission is given by the headteacher in advance of a holiday in term time being taken, the absence will be unauthorised. The Academy can issue a Fixed Penalty Notice where a child is absent from school due to unauthorised absence period of 10 sessions or above in a ten week period, (or if there is persistent lateness to school) therefore all requests for leave must be made at least 7 days in advance using the appropriate form available from the office. The attendance officer will confirm when a request has been authorised.

Do I need to keep my child off school?
