Welcome to Magpie Class!
Key Information
Welcome to the Magpies. Our class teacher is Mrs Woss and our teaching assistant is Mrs Anderson. We are taught by Mrs Roche on a Thursday afternoon and alternate Wednesday mornings. PE is every Monday so please make sure PE kit is in school on this day, earrings are removed and hair is tied back.
In Magpies we begin our day by practising our weekly spellings, followed by Collective Worship and our daily Read, Write Inc session. The remainder of our morning is filled with English and Maths. Each afternoon is jam-packed with foundation subjects. We also work on deepening our understanding of Maths through the 'Mastering Number' programme, refine our handwriting through practice sessions and sharpen our decoding skills in an additional phonics lesson. Every day is a very busy day in Magpies!
This half term's topics are:
Science: Animals including humans
History: Transport - The Wright Brothers, The first moon landing, Amy Johnson
Computing: Developing Programming
Art: Georgia O'Keeffe Observational Drawing
RE: Judaism
PE: Gymnastics
PSHE: Heart Smart
School Council
The Magpies are pleased to have elected Aleeah and Shaun as our School Council representatives this year. They will attend meetings with Mrs Pritchard to share our thoughts and views on all areas of school life.
House Teams
At The King's, every child in school is in a house. The houses are Castle, Sconce, Sherwood and Trent. Throughout the year, all children will have the opportunity to represent their house in intra-house competitions.
Useful websites