We are the School Council at The King's. We are a group of children, elected by our peers, to represent our classes. We will meet as a group every 1-2 weeks to discuss how we can improve our school. Miss Pritchard runs the school council and these are our members:
Year 1 Sparrows: I'marni-Rose and Oliver
Year 1/2 Robins: Afham and Vienna-Rae
Year 2 Magpies: Aleeah and Shaun
Year 3/4 Doves: Liberty and Reece-Roy
Year 3/4 Starlings: Annabella and Ryan
Year 3/4 Swallows: Lily and Paige
Year 5 Kingfishers: Jan and Olivia
Year 6 Swans: Layton and Maisie
Tuesday 27th September 2022
In our first meeting this year, we researched ideas for new playground equipment. We created a shortlist and have asked for classes to vote on what they would like. We are looking forward to collating the results at our next meeting. We have already added healthy foods and recycling to our agenda to future meetings.
Tuesday 4th October 2022
Today the first item was collating the playground equipment poll results. The top three options were mini golf, giant snakes and ladders and jenga. We then discussed ideas for promoting healthy food choices in school. We are researching a snakes and ladders game which could be sent home. We would also agreed that we would like to create a healthy snacks policy for school which will give guidance on what foods are acceptable snacks. The final item covered was the use of refuse and recycling bins. We are going to contact the site staff for further clarification on what is currently happening. One idea put forward to promote correct use was to provide a 'what to' guide using photographs which would be attached to each bin.
We are going to speak to our classes before the next meeting to see which future ideas should be debated at school council.
Wednesday 14th December 2022
Today in our school council meeting we used the Chrome Books to begin creating posters using PowerPoint. The posters are promoting healthy foods that children can bring to school for snacks at break time or in their lunch boxes. We shall finalise the posters in our next meeting.
Currently school council meetings have been held during lunchtime. The logistics of this have proven quite tricky so after the Christmas holidays we are going to move our meetings to a Tuesday afternoon.
Thursday 19th January 2023
Today in our school council meeting we researched playground equipment and selected the most cost effective options. The equipment we looked at was based on the results of our pupil survey. We have passed on the information to Mrs Clarke and Mrs Ragsdale-Lowe. We can't wait for our new playground activities.
Other items discussed:
Our next meeting is scheduled for Thursday 2nd February 2023.