In Year 3-4 at The King's C of E Primary Academy there are 3 classes and we are called the Starlings. Our class teacher is called Mrs Powell and our Teaching Assistant is Miss Lock.
Our day starts with Collective Worship, followed by Guided Reading or Read, Write Inc. (our phonics programme), English and then Maths. In the afternoons we cover a range of subjects. This term we are studying:
Autumn 1
Maths: Place Value/ Addition and Subtraction
English: Stone Age Boy (character and setting description), Stig of the Dump (instructional writing)
Science: States of Matter
History: Stone Age to Iron Age
Computing: e-Safety
Art: Edvard Munch
RE: The People of God- Christianity
PE: Circuit training (indoor) and Invasion games (outdoor)
PSHE: Don't forget to let love in
Music: Recorders
At The King's, every child in school is in a house. The houses are Castle, Sconce, Sherwood and Trent. Throughout the year, all children will have the opportunity to represent their house in intra-house competitions.
Children need to read at least 4 times a week and this recorded in their reading diaries. They can write the pages read themselves but it must be signed by an adult. The children have individualised spellings in their planners and these need to be practised over the year and it is recommended to focus on 5 a week. For Maths children need to access TTRockstars weekly- usernames and passwords are in the front of reading diaries.