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The King’s Church of England Primary Academy





At The King's Church of England Primary Academy we are committed to promoting the safeguarding and welfare of our children and families.


We work with many external agencies to offer the best support, below are a few examples:

Early Help


Healthy Families Team


Children's Centre

Mental Health Support Team


Our safeguarding team in school is:

Rachel Baker - Senior Safeguarding Lead

Sarah Clarke - Safeguarding Lead

Colette Jeffery - Deputy Safeguarding Lead


Pastoral support

We believe that offering the best pastoral support for a child in school can often lead to less referrals being made as we are able to support as an early intervention.


All classrooms have a retreat area what children can use should they need to, we also have worry monsters in every class.

Rachel Baker who is our Designated safeguarding and pastoral lead works with children on a 1-1 basis and often completes direct work with a child and will refer to the best service.

We have our own school counsellor who works with us for 2 days per week and supports many of our children for a variety of reasons.


Pastoral support is not only offered to the children but to parents/carers and the wider family please do get in touch if you have any concerns or if you feel you need support with regards to mental health, money worries, family issues, contact, safeguarding issues or if you just need a chat.

Please call Rachel on 01636 680284 ext 8205
