1st July 2021
Dear Parents and Carers,
I am so sorry to let you all know that we’ve had a number of children and staff test positive for Covid-19. This has meant that one by one we have had to close three separate bubbles.
I know how difficult this must be for you all, in so many ways and I am so sorry. We have tried so hard and done so well for most of the time that schools have been open, but this new variant seems to be very strong and extremely contagious.
What does this mean for you and your child?
As of today, we have had to close the following bubbles…
Reception and Nursery
Year 3 (Raccoons)
Year 4 (Hedgehogs)
Year 5/6 Robins Class.
The Year 6 children in the Robins class will not be able to attend transition at Magnus or Newark Academy. This is very sad and I am so sorry for these children. The children in these bubbles must isolate for 10 days and, if they become unwell, must phone 119 and have a PCR test that is sent to a laboratory. The whole household has to isolate until the result comes back. The result will tell you if they are positive for Covid or not. The whole household must isolate if it is positive. If the result is negative, the child must still isolate until the date shared in our earlier letter.
Panthers and Jaguars and our three Key Stage 1 classes, are still open but we are waiting for test results for children in these bubbles too. If the results are positive, we will have to contact you to inform you to collect your child and they must isolate for 10 days.
Please do remain extra cautious and limit the number of people that you meet. It would be wise to protect any vulnerable relatives you have at this time by not mixing with them while we go through this tricky patch.
With sincere best wishes and thanks,
Sarah Clarke (Head Teacher)